Lifestyle & Trends

  1. Read more: Can Coffee Reduce Body Temperature? Understanding the Myths, Realities, and Seasonal Strategies
    A man with tattoos covering his left arm takes a leisurely stroll through city streets in summer

    Can Coffee Reduce Body Temperature? Understanding the Myths, Realities, and Seasonal Strategies

    Can coffee reduce your body temperature? While an iced coffee may feel refreshing on a hot day, the cooling effect is mostly psychological. Coffee’s influence on core body temperature is minimal, making traditional hydration and environmental adjustments far more effective at beating the heat.
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Lifestyle & Trends

  1. Read more: Can Coffee Reduce Body Temperature? Understanding the Myths, Realities, and Seasonal Strategies
    A man with tattoos covering his left arm takes a leisurely stroll through city streets in summer

    Can Coffee Reduce Body Temperature? Understanding the Myths, Realities, and Seasonal Strategies

    by Coffee Analytica Team

    Can coffee reduce your body temperature? While an iced coffee may feel refreshing on a hot day, the cooling effect is mostly psychological. Coffee’s influence on core body temperature is minimal, making traditional hydration and environmental adjustments far more effective at beating the heat.
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